Hatha Yoga
March 9th-April 13th (6 weeks)
10AM-11:30AM (90 min)
10AM-11:30AM (90 min)
Burrows Ave East-
Studio Squared Gym
per class Only 15 spaces available
Taryn Corbett at 306-752-9491 or Yoga is a form of Hatha Yoga performed in a heated room (approx.35 C). The heat extends movement in the ligaments, tendons and muscles. It releases toxins, improves flexibility and increased range of motion. More efficiently it oxygenates blood, tissues, glands and organs. Releasing tight/tense muscles and relieving back pain.
Yoga in a warm room focuses on a deep, safe and effective journey
into yoga. Hatha Yoga postures are scientifically designed to give a
comprehensive workout to the entire body.
prepared. We advise that you:
10 minutes before class
-Refrain from eating anything heavy 2 - 3 hours before class- Don't starve yourself before class, but don't scarf down your food just before you go into the hot room. Avoid eating for two to three hours before class in order to give your body time to digest what you consumed earlier. If you forgot to eat, you can have something small (half a muffin or a banana).
-Refrain from eating anything heavy 2 - 3 hours before class- Don't starve yourself before class, but don't scarf down your food just before you go into the hot room. Avoid eating for two to three hours before class in order to give your body time to digest what you consumed earlier. If you forgot to eat, you can have something small (half a muffin or a banana).
plenty of water before and during class to make up for all the fluid
your body will lose through sweat.- You'll lose electrolytes (sodium
and potassium, mostly) as you sweat, so add a pinch of salt, sugar
and a squeeze of lemon (natural sources of electrolytes) to the
water bottle you take to class. Coconut water is another good
a towel and some drinking water
Avoid drinking coffee before class (it will dehydrate you).
-Wear comfortable clothing, preferably shorts and a sports top
-Wear comfortable clothing, preferably shorts and a sports top
If you have a history of irregular blood pressure or heart disease,
talk to your doctor before you sign up for a class.**