The committments of life make it hard to balance what we need and what we want for ourselves.

Monday, January 30, 2012

How Yoga Has Helped Me Through Some Difficult Times...

-Emphasise the positive. My practice helps me take my mind off the day and it's challenges. It always makes me thankful that I am healthy and alive no matter what the situation is off my mat.
-Being ok with discomfort.There have been times in Warrior II or Triangle that I thought I could not hold it for 1 second more, then I relax and breath and relize that I can handle this! It is not intolerable after all. This is the most practical lesson I have learned on my mat and it translates beautifully into life.
-Everything is temporaray. Poses, Pain, Happiness, Life is all temporary! Yoga has taught me that life keeps moving no matter what. Dwelling on how we wish things were different only inhibits us from enjoying the moment.
-Suffering is optional.While we may not be incontrol of the things that happen around us , we choose how we react to these things. We can choose to get upset when our yoga teacher asks us to hold that nemesis pose for 5 more breaths or we can enjoy the feeling of our feet on the ground and the air on our skin until she calls for the next pose. Life is exactly the same way.
-I am stronger than I think. Remembering the first time I watched an arm balance and thinking I will never be able to do that. Then after practice and patience getting one foot off the floor then the other. Now doing arm balance poses with comfort and strength.