The committments of life make it hard to balance what we need and what we want for ourselves.

Monday, December 16, 2013

New Years Yoga

Untamed Balance Yoga
506 Main Street
Sirona Physiotherapy & Fitness
Melfort, SK
7Weeks Starting January 6- February 27
(Excluding week of February 17th)
Mondays & Wednesday
Lunch Time Energy Flow Yoga Class 12:10-12:50pm
This practice helps with a positive flow of energy that benefits every aspect of your life. An energetic practice with traditional yoga postures to help you stand taller, feel healthier and more energetic. Focusing on the muscles that get tight and sore from sitting at a desk. Flowing from one pose to another will help you feel grounded and filled with vital energy.

Discover Vinyasa Flow Yoga Class 7:30-9pm
A class designed for all levels that encourages slowing down & taking a breath. Discover basic poses that flow & provide movements that promote freedom in the body & an overall sense of strength, mobility, & empowerment.

Beginner/All Levels Yoga Class 6:30-7:45pm
For those who are new to yoga and looking for a place to start. Also for those who would like to continue to focus on the basic poses, breathing, stretching, strengthening and relaxation in a comfortable , non-judgemental atmosphere and at your own pace.

1 class per week $70
ANY 2 classes per week $100
Lunch Hour Classes 1-$70 2-$90

Drop ins $10 register thru

To Register for classes contact Taryn at 752-9491

Saturday, November 2, 2013

New to Yoga?

Here is some information that may be helpful
- Wear bare feet and loose comfortable clothing.  
- If you do not have a yoga mat yet, the studio has mats available for you to borrow.  The studio also provides yoga blocks and straps that you may wish to use.
- It is best not to practice yoga on a full stomach.
- Drinking water an hour or so before the yoga class will help you to not become thirsty during class.  However, you can still bring a water bottle with you if you wish.
- Please do not chew gum during class.  This can interfere with breathing, distract the other students, and possibly be a safety hazard in some poses. 

In consideration for your fellow participants:
- Some people arrive early to class to relax or meditate.  Please talk quietly before class so as not to disturb the other students.
- We all try to be on time for class, but if you are late and class has started, please come into the studio quietly.
- Please try to remember to turn off your cell phone before class.  However, if you need to leave your phone on because you are "on call" - just let the teacher know before class

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Untamed Balance Yoga
506 Main Street
Sirona Physiotherapy & Fitness
Melfort, SK
7Weeks Starting November 4th-December 19th
Mondays & Wednesday
Lunch Time Energy Flow Yoga Class 12:10-12:50pm
This practice helps with a positive flow of energy that benefits every aspect of your life. An energetic practice with traditional yoga postures to help you stand taller, feel healthier and more energetic. Focusing on the muscles that get tight and sore from sitting at a desk. Flowing from one pose to another will help you feel grounded and filled with vital energy.

Discover Vinyasa Flow Yoga Class 7:30-9pm
A class designed for all levels that encourages slowing down & taking a breath. Discover basic poses that flow & provide movements that promote freedom in the body & an overall sense of strength, mobility, & empowerment.

Beginner/All Levels Yoga Class 6:30-7:45pm
For those who are new to yoga and looking for a place to start. Also for those who would like to continue to focus on the basic poses, breathing, stretching, strengthening and relaxation in a comfortable , non-judgemental atmosphere and at your own pace.

1 class per week $70
ANY 2 classes per week $100

Lunch Hour Classes 1-$70 2-$90
Drop ins $10 register thru

To Register for classes contact Taryn at 752-9491

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Working on a class for hockey players. This class will be for players ages 10-18. We will focus on strength and flexibility along with focusing on techniques to help with focus. If you have a player or know of a player who has the time and would benefit from this class please fwd info to them or me.
Mondays 3:30-4:30
Starting Nov 3 for 6 weeks (Excluding Nov 11)
$60 for all 6 classes
Only room for 10 players

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Monday October 14th is a Holiday so our regular Lunch Hour Yoga class will be held on Friday Oct 18th same time, same place.
Monday October 14th is a Holiday so our regular Lunch Hour Yoga class will be held on Friday Oct 18th same time, same place.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

8 weeks of YOGA

8Weeks Starting September 9th-October 31st
Mondays & Wednesday
Lunch Time Energy Flow Yoga Class 12:10-12:50pm
This practice helps with a positive flow of energy that benefits every aspect of your life. An energetic practice with traditional yoga postures to help you stand taller, feel healthier and more energetic. Focusing on the muscles that get tight and sore from sitting at a desk. Flowing from one pose to another will help you feel grounded and filled with vital energy.

Discover Vinyasa Flow Yoga Class 7:30-9pm
Students of all levels are empowered to experience prana (breath).Classes are breath inspired journeys that offer a complete spectrum of rhythms from meditative & rejuvenating to the challenging & empowering. The flow of a class is created through cycles of effective & creative sequences (vinyasas) linked together through the breathwave. Every class is designed to create whole body transformation of strength & fluidity,circulation & centering.
Beginner/All Levels Yoga Class 6:30-7:45pm
For those who are new to yoga and looking for a place to start. Also for those who would like to continue to focus on the basic poses, breathing, stretching, strengthening and relaxation in a comfortable , non-judgemental atmosphere and at your own pace.

1 class per week $80

ANY 2 classes per week $100

Drop ins $10 register thru

506 Main Street
Sirona Physiotherapy & Fitness
Melfort, SK

To Register for classes contact Taryn at 752-9491

Saturday, August 24, 2013

You become flexible as you learn how to breathe into your body and allow yourself to let go. Your mind may try and tell you what you can and cannot do, but as you gently inhale and exhale, and let go of your limiting beliefs, you will begin to appreciate how limitless you actually are. Breathe deeply and open yourself up to the amazing growth that you've always had the potential to experience.
Join us for:
All Levels Yoga Class
Tuesday August 27th
$10 per person
506 Main Street - Sirona Physiotherapy & Fitness 
Melfort, SK
Please Bring your own yoga mat, water bottle and towel/blanket
Please email to register
Register on line at

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

All Levels Yoga Class
Tuesday August 20th  7:30-9pm
Work out those summer kinks with some basic poses, breath work, strengthening and relaxation.
10 Spots available
$10 per person
Please Bring your own yoga mat, water bottle and towel/blanket
506 Main Street -  Sirona Physiotherapy & Fitness  Melfort, SK
Please email to register
Register on line at

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

What does the number mean to you?

Everyone has fears and anxious moments. We are all working on things that we need to face and work thru. There is one “fear” that I’ve yet to determine would serve me to face. I get anxious around something I come across several times a day—at the gym, and in other people’s bathrooms. I fear the scale. I fear that my curiosity will get the best of me, and I’ll step on it.

I stopped weighing myself quite a few years ago when I realized it didn’t serve me in any way. At this time I would be on the scale at least once a day to experience the fleeting sense of pride that accompanied a declining weight. So I chose to attempt to live a life not dictated by calorie-restriction and exercise, so there was literally no benefit I could gain from weighing myself. If I wanted to live fully, it was inevitable that number was going to increase, and I wanted nothing to do with the distress that came along with that. I decided that, if I become so obese that the number should be of concern, I would notice before needing a doctor’s confirmation via scale.

So here’s what I propose: Rather than viewing the number on the scale as a measure of self-worth, or control, or goal, or being OK, see it as a reflection of your lifestyle. If you believe you are living a good life, you are probably at the right weight. That number will change through transitions and experiences. If your pants fit more tightly after a vacation, it’s probably a sign of a good vacation.

If you’re focusing on achieving an arbitrary number on the scale, ask yourself where that number comes from. A chart? A forum? A past weight? Acknowledge that a "thinner, fitter, more jacked" you was the outcome of living a different lifestyle from what you are living now. Were you happy living that life? For some people, the answer might be yes. If so, focus on getting back to that way of being. For others, there may have been many anxiety and pain-filled times that accompanied living in this way. Of course, looking at past pictures might make you feel otherwise, but consider how you felt outside of those times. Focus on living the life you want to live, not the number on the scale. In fact, toss the scale out entirely. Or use it to weigh your luggage before you take off somewhere to live fully.

Monday, June 17, 2013

June 20th is the last day in this yoga session before summer.  I will be taking some well needed family time over the next few months.  Yoga will start up in Sept so be sure to watch your email, check here or Facebook for up coming class schedules.
If you have been leaving your mats in my little room at Sirona Physio please pick it up as there will be work being done over the summer and we would not want it to get misplaced.
Have a wonderful and safe summer.  Thank you so very much for joining me for the first part of 2013!

Friday, May 10, 2013

5 Weeks of Yoga

Starting May 21th – June 20th (5 Weeks)
Mondays & Wednesdays
Lunch Time Energy Flow Yoga Class 12:10-12:50pm
This practice helps with a positive flow of energy that benefits every aspect of your life. An energetic practice with traditional yoga postures to help you stand taller, feel healthier and more energetic. Focusing on the muscles that get tight and sore from sitting at a desk. Flowing from one pose to another will help you feel grounded and filled with vital energy.

Fusion Yoga Class 7:30-9pm
This class is suited to all levels, practicing basic poses with extra focus on fitness and strengthening, followed by stretching and relaxation. Fusion Yoga helps boosts the benefits of your yoga practice by adding strength, resistance and core training to help increase flexibility, decrease stress and help you burn more fat when resting.

Beginner working towards Intermediate 7:15-8:45pm
An introduction to the fundamentals of Hatha yoga for the brand new & continuing student. Students desiring to evolve their Hatha yoga practice once they are familiar with the fundamentals as presented in Beginner. Includes beginner postures with intermediate postures sprinkled in, breath work, and relaxation techniques. Teacher will offer a number of variations for every pose, enabling students to go as far as they like with any given posture.

1 class per week $50 (5 classes) 1 Lunch Hour class $50
2 classes per week $80 (10 classes) 2 Lunch Hour classes $70

No yoga experience necessary – Mix and Match classes

To Register for classes contact Taryn at 752-9491

Sunday, April 28, 2013

I challenge you to find one person who looks in the mirror without criticism.

It's a sad fact that most of us are primed to see what we are dissatisfied with about ourselves, instead of what we are blessed with. The reality that so many of us miss when we are busy focusing on our so called “flaws”, are the things that other people notice in us with envy (remember your beautiful eyes, hair, lips, cheeks, cute nose, eyelashes, adorable freckles, quirky smile, perfect mole, sensual curves, adorable bum wobble....)

Our negative body talk sinks us further into a state where we obsess over our physical appearance, and forget how our body serves us so well.
Therefore, the best cure for body dissatisfaction isn’t to change your physical appearance, it’s to change your mindset by appreciating what you body can do for you.

Next time you go to yoga, have a look around you; you will see an array of different bodies. No two are the same. Yet despite all the variations in packaging, what you will likely notice next are the magnificent capabilities of all these bodies. They can stretch, twist, and even invert themselves. In yoga we learn that our body was designed to support us; our feet, our hands, forearms, elbows, toes, fingers, forehead, stomach and so on all work together to allow our body to find our own way during every posture. If we lose balance in any posture, we have another part of us ready to pick up where we left off and restore our calm. We are our own safety net. That’s incredible! Our body has been amazingly designed to support us. Now it’s time to support our body by recognising what a gift it is.

You can do this by focusing on your body’s capabilities: For example, your body has an amazing system designed solely to heal what ails you. It affords you physical strength, comfortable padding, temperature regulation, not to mention emotional and physical regulation. Your body allows you to experience physical pleasure, but also knows how to keep you safe through automatic pain alerts. Your body, when you really pay attention to it, is a beautiful barometer of your mental and physical health. If you ever need to gauge where you are in life, where you want to go – just listen to your body. It will tell you exactly what you need. Your body is the perfect indicator of whether you need to restore balance and clarity and has a strong intuitive centre that will tell you exactly how to do so. Your body is your vehicle and serves as a strong marker for your self-identity and it’s also how others recognise and interact with you. Your body is the gift-wrapping for your soul.

Yet sadly, so many of us reject our bodies. Are angry with them. Are displeased with what we have been given, and forget that what we have been gifted is an incredibly useful and powerful life tool.

To move forward, and to develop a sense of pride in your body, start reminding yourself of all the things your body can do. Pay less attention to how you look in your yoga clothes, and pay more attention to the incredible way your arms and legs work together, connected by your core, to help you balance.

Be proud of your body and thank it each day. It is your life vessel. Without it, quite frankly, you just wouldn’t be you. Perfect, amazing, incredible, you!
Love and Light,

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Yoga helps.

Yoga helps if it helps you feel your body, believe what 

you feel, and respond. 

When you feel you, it's hard not to become your own 

best caregiver. It changes how you live, how you speak, 

how you relate. 

It also changes how you eat. You get a good sense of 

which foods help you feel good, and which are not so 


Feeling good can be addictive.

Yoga helps.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

With the popularity of yoga growing & that many people doing yoga, it is natural that not everyone can accomplish everything they are asked to do.  Looking around whether on websites, in magazines or seeing others on their mats, you might see that some people are really open, strong and flexible.  Really it is all in how you look at it.  You can take great inspiration from those people or it is also a little bit possible to get a bit bummed out about it because you can't do what "everyone else" can do.  Having said that, there is a great mental antidote.  All you have to do is focus on how lucky you are to be able to do whatever it is you can do.  There are a great many people in the world that can not do a single chatarunga push up, or do Warrior 1 even it they wanted to.  In that respect  we are incredibly lucky to be able to practice today. So if this feeling arises in your mind, just focus on what you can do in your practice today.  Thru your practice and poses you may start to feel a sense of accomplishment for what you can do.
Much Love,

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Starting April 8th – May 16th (6 Weeks)
Mondays & Wednesdays
Lunch Time Energy Flow Yoga Class 12:10-12:50pm

This practice helps with a positive flow of energy that benefits every aspect of your life. An energetic practice with traditional yoga postures to help you stand taller, feel healthier and more energetic. Focusing on the muscles that get tight and sore from sitting at a desk. Flowing from one pose to another will help you feel grounded and filled with vital energy.
Fusion Yoga Class 7:30-9pm
This class is suited to all levels, practicing basic poses with extra focus on fitness and strengthening, followed by stretching and relaxation. Fusion Yoga helps boosts the benefits of your yoga practice by adding strength, resistance and core training to help increase flexibility, decrease stress and help you burn more fat when resting.

Beginner working towards Intermediate 7:15-8:45pm

An introduction to the fundamentals of Hatha yoga for the brand new & continuing student. Students desiring to evolve their Hatha yoga practice once they are familiar with the fundamentals as presented in Beginner. Includes beginner postures with intermediate postures sprinkled in, breath work, and relaxation techniques. Teacher will offer a number of variations for every pose, enabling students to go as far as they like with any given posture. 

1 class per week $60 (6 classes)                              1 Lunch Hour class $60
ANY 2 classes per week $90 (12 classes)                 2 Lunch Hour classes $80
ANY 3 classes per week $110 (19classes)
No yoga experience necessary – Mix and Match classes
To Register for classes contact Taryn at 752-9491

Women & Men Welcome
_________________________________________________________________________________This is a seperate class from the regular scheduled classes
Hot Hatha Yoga
SaturdayMarch 30-April 13 (3 Saturdays) 10AM-11:30AM (90 min)
209 Burrows Ave East- Studio Squared Gym
$10 per class Spaces are limited
Contact Taryn Corbett at 306-752-9491 or
Hot Yoga is a form of Hatha Yoga performed in a heated room (approx.35 C). The heat extends movement in the ligaments, tendons and muscles. It releases toxins, improves flexibility and increased range of motion. More efficiently it oxygenates blood, tissues, glands and organs. Releasing tight/tense muscles and relieving back pain.
Hatha Yoga in a warm room focuses on a deep, safe and effective journey into yoga. Hatha Yoga postures are scientifically designed to give a comprehensive workout to the entire body.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Hot Hatha Yoga
Saturday March 9th-April 13th (6 weeks)
 10AM-11:30AM (90 min)
209 Burrows Ave East- Studio Squared Gym
$10 per class Only 15 spaces available
Contact Taryn Corbett at 306-752-9491 or
Hot Yoga is a form of Hatha Yoga performed in a heated room (approx.35 C). The heat extends movement in the ligaments, tendons and muscles. It releases toxins, improves flexibility and increased range of motion. More efficiently it oxygenates blood, tissues, glands and organs. Releasing tight/tense muscles and relieving back pain.
Hatha Yoga in a warm room focuses on a deep, safe and effective journey into yoga. Hatha Yoga postures are scientifically designed to give a comprehensive workout to the entire body.

Come prepared. We advise that you:
-Arrive 10 minutes before class
-Refrain from eating anything heavy 2 - 3 hours before class- Don't starve yourself before class, but don't scarf down your food just before you go into the hot room. Avoid eating for two to three hours before class in order to give your body time to digest what you consumed earlier. If you forgot to eat, you can have something small (half a muffin or a banana).
    -Drink plenty of water before and during class to make up for all the fluid your body will lose through sweat.- You'll lose electrolytes (sodium and potassium, mostly) as you sweat, so add a pinch of salt, sugar and a squeeze of lemon (natural sources of electrolytes) to the water bottle you take to class. Coconut water is another good alternatives.
    -Bring a towel and some drinking water
- Avoid drinking coffee before class (it will dehydrate you).
-Wear comfortable clothing, preferably shorts and a sports top
** If you have a history of irregular blood pressure or heart disease, talk to your doctor before you sign up for a class.**

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Starting February 25th – April 4th (6 Weeks)
Lunch Time Energy Flow Yoga Class 12:10-12:50pm

Beginner Yoga Class 6:15-7:30pm(Please note Start time change)
Fusion Yoga Class 7:45-9pm

Lunch Time Energy Flow Yoga Class 12:10-12:50pm

Beginner working towards Intermediate 7:15-8:45pm

1 class per week $60 (6 classes)                      1 Lunch Hour class $60
ANY 2 classes per week $90 (12 classes)         2 Lunch Hour classes $80
ANY 3 classes per week $110 (19classes)
Drop ins $10
No yoga experience necessary – Mix and Match classes
To Register for classes contact Taryn at 752-9491

Women & Men Welcome

Beginner Yoga- For those who are new to yoga and looking for a place to start. Also for those who would like to continue to focus on the basic poses, breathing, stretching, strengthening and relaxation in a comfortable , non-judgemental atmosphere and at your own pace.

Fusion Yoga-This class is suited to all levels, practicing basic poses with extra focus on fitness and strengthening, followed by stretching and relaxation. Fusion Yoga helps boosts the benefits of your yoga practice by adding strength, resistance and core training to help increase flexibility, decrease stress and help you burn more fat when resting.

Lunch Hour Energy Flow Yoga-This practice helps with a positive flow of energy that benefits every aspect of your life. An energetic practice with traditional yoga postures to help you stand taller, feel healthier and more energetic. Focusing on the muscles that get tight and sore from sitting at a desk. Flowing from one pose to another will help you feel grounded and filled with vital energy.

Beginner working towards Intermediate:
An introduction to the fundamentals of Hatha yoga for the brand new & continuing student. Students desiring to evolve their Hatha yoga practice once they are familiar with the fundamentals as presented in Beginner. Includes beginner postures with intermediate postures sprinkled in, breath work, and relaxation techniques. Teacher will offer a number of variations for every pose, enabling students to go as far as they like with any given posture. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Yoga Workshop

Tuesday February 19 th 7pm-9pm
506 Main Street -Sirona Physio Therapy & Fitness

This class is suitable for all levels of yogis.  No yoga experience needed. We will be learning to work our way to meditation.(using chanting to relax , before moving into a short, gentle yoga practice, & a silent meditation.)  You will be invited to take part in the class however you feel comfortable to do so.
Limited number of spaces available. 

Please call Taryn 752-9491 or email
if you would like to attend
Registration is by donation 
($10 minimum) 
with proceeds going to Kinsmen/Kinette Telemiracle 37
If you wish to receive a receipt please make cheques payable to:
Kinsmen Telemiracle 37

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Somethings yoga teaches us about life...

LISTEN:  In yoga we learn that our egos can cause us to ignore how our bodies feel.  Helping us become sensitive to our bodies' messages helps us avoid aches and injuries.  Cultivating this same sensitivity towards others helps us become kinder.

LET GO:  Yoga is the art of using mind and body to maximize relaxation during challenging times.  If we are too tense we generate less power.

RELISH THE MOMENT:   People think yoga's health benefits come in the form of fitness or flexibility.  The real gift is the state of mind in which we stop and take in the beauty of the simple things around us.


Jan/Feb Yoga Schedule

With a New Year Comes a New Yoga Session:
Starting January 7th – February 14th (6 Weeks)
Lunch Time Energy Flow Yoga Class 12:10-12:50pm
Yoga for Hockey Players (Must be 10-18yr old) 3:30-4:30pm

Beginner Yoga Class 6:30-7:30pm
Fusion Yoga Class 7:45-9pm(This Class Is Full)

Lunch Time Energy Flow Yoga Class 12:10-12:50pm

Beginner working towards Intermediate 7:15-8:30pm (This Class Is Full)

1 class per week $60 (6 classes)                         1 Lunch Hour class $60
ANY 2 classes per week $100 (12 classes)           2 Lunch Hour classes $80
ANY 3 classes per week $120 (19classes)

No yoga experience necessary – Mix and Match classes -Class Sizes are limited
Pre-registration ONLY
To Register for classes contact Taryn at 752-9491
or email